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Framemaker 10 dropping characters while typing


It's recently come to our attention that about 25 of our users are experiencing a problem with Framemaker dropping characters while typing.


We are currently using version with mainly Windows 7 systems


Most users thought it was just them, but after discussing among the group, found that  a large number of people in multiple departments were seeing the same problem.


Other apps like Microsoft Office do not experience the same issue. Only appears to be happening in FM10


Does anyone have any insight into what might be causing the problem



FrameMaker - Show/Hide Conditional Text




When I selected the Show/Hide Conditional text in framemaker 10 at a position in my template the tekst is changed with the selected tekst and my cursor is standing at the same position.

When I used the Show/Hide Conditional tekst in framemaker 2015 the position of the cursor in my document is changing to a strange point.


How could I get it solved that my cursor will stay at the same position wenn I'll selected the Show/Hide Conditional tekst.


WKR, Lambert

Issue when opening documents.


I am opening a document by using:


F_ObjHandleT docId = F_ApiOpen(componentName, &script, &returnp);


I also have set the following property to the script:


IntT i = F_ApiGetPropIndex(&script, FS_MakeVisible);

script.val[i].propVal.u.ival = False;


I have an FDK client which scans all opened books and for each one I get all components.


I open all documents from each book (and later on flows, etc) in order to extract all text items from the documents.


Since I have FS_MakeVisible to False the FDK client does it transparently and the user is not aware of it.


However, when some documents are already open then whenever I try to open these the program switches to these (however do not open it again) and the user looses his focus on the active document.


Is there any way to check if a document by its name is already open or set some setting to not switch to it after is opened?

How can I get the current paragraph?


I want to get the current paragraph where the insertion point is.


How can I do this in FDK?

Book update error: Book is not self-consistent



I'm using FM2015, and I have a large unstructured book with about 70 chapters. I updated the book and saw an error message I have never seen before: "Book is not self-consistent." I searched the obvious locations to try to figure this out but couldn't find any information. The book seems to be functioning fine.

Does anyone know what this message means?
Alexandra Duffy

Lead Technical Writer

Vectorworks, Inc.

Workaround for FrameMaker 2015 Book Compare/Document Compare Issues?


What I like to do:

Using FrameMaker 2015 to run Book Compare between the current version of doc vs. previous version of doc, to produce individual CMP files.

When I try file by file comparison, the first file I use after starting the application can create CMP, but the second file fails with internal error.  Until I restart my computer, reopening application will continue with the internal error, and cannot create CMP at all.


What I know:

It is currently now working, and Adobe is aware of this bug.  Reported last year, still not received any update on this fix.

I opened FM2015 MIF in FrameMaker 11 and ran individual file compare, which did not create issues.


But creating one by one takes too much time.  I really need a better solution....


Any thought?

I am downloading Adobe Framemaker with the Akamai Download Manager and in the end I click "Install now" but there is no response aftter clicking. I checked many times and in another PC as well but the result was same. Can some one help me?


I am downloading Adobe Framemaker with the Akamai Download Manager and in the end I click "Install now" but there is no response aftter clicking. I checked many times and in another PC as well but the result was same. Can some one help me?

row format editting


Hi all,


are there any scripting way to edit row format for all cells to all tables on file to be for ex. = 50 mm because i have overflow text on some table cells and i need to make it appears.






Cannot print from framemaker 15


I just had Framemaker 15 installed and cannot print .PDF's or to paper, does anyone have a solution?

In FrameMaker 12, element does not increment step number


Every time I select the <ol>  element the list number is always 1 no matter how many times I select it. However at the sub step level it is incremental (a, b, c...)

Find and replace all occurences of a string inside the current paragraph.


I have done so much work and this is my last method to implement. I want to get from the current active doc the current paragraph and replace all occurances of a string inside that paragraph with another string. Say for example I have the following paragraph in a document: This is a sentence that. This is another sentence. This is also another sentense. The sentence. If the user opens the document containining the paragraph and goes to that paragraph by clicking in any place in it. I want to replace e.g.g "another sentence" with "some sentence". But only in the current active paragraph in the active document. I have found some code with F_ApiFind and F_ApiGetTextRange to get the current text selection but I cannot think a best way to do it.

Open pdf at specific location


Dear friends,

I want to support a dialog with a Help button which shall open a pdf at a specific location, either defined by page number or (better) by Named Destination.

var helpFile = File($.fileName.replace (/\.jsx(?:bin)?$/i , ".pdf"));
OpenPDF (helpFile, "FMcalccalculations"); // named dest = M8.newlink.FMcalccalculations

function OpenPDF (fileName, destination) {
  if (fileName.exists) {    fileName.execute("nameddest=M8.newlink." + destination);  }

This just opens the pdf at the first page.

How can I pass parameters - not knowing which pgm will open the pdf (depends on the user's installation)?

I have seen (IMHO) a crunch using an intermediate VBscript, but I have not yet tested this approach. As far as I understand this would require a VSscript for every destination in the pdf.

Any ideas are wolcome.


Document update causing a "Book is not self-consistent" message


I'm using FrameMaker 13, as a part of Adobe TCS. I have created a book in standard Frame, no structured content. Track Edits has never been used with this content.


The book was generating fine without complaint until this morning (4/13/2016) after Adobe applied updates to TCS. Now I see a "Book is not self-consistent" message. After reading some other posts, I experimented with the Update box and discovered that it's the cross-reference update that's causing the problem. I went through the book (which is only about 20 pages) and replaced all the cross-references. I still get the message.


It would seem obvious that the updates caused the problem. Does anyone know a solution?



help.adobe.com’s server DNS address could not be found


When trying to access help in Framemaker 12 I keep getting this message


help.adobe.com’s serverDNS addresscould not be found

Can you update mini TOCs from the book?


I tried using the Mini TOC feature in FrameMaker 2015 but the mini TOCs in the chapter files don't update themselves when I do an update/generate on the book. Are they supposed to? The only way I found to get them to update was to right-click on each one individually choose the Update Mini TOC option.

2015 FDK debug libs


FM 11 to FM 2015. Skipped 12. FDK 11 included debug versions of libs, FDK 2015 does not. Unable to build debug apiclients unless you have workaround for lnk2038 problem. Can we get debug libs for 2015?

unresolved typeref token (0100001B) for '_masterListT'; image may not run


I have the following link error in the C++\CLI library that uses the latest FDK libraries.


Where exactly is the problem?


Inside the f_types.h file there is (in line 239):


/* string list */

typedef struct _masterListT *StringListT;


What is the problem?


This is a link warning, but I would like to resolve it.


Thank you.

Adding an Underscore to an Equation (Framemaker 13.0.1)




I am having a problem adding underscores to equations.I found previous instructions from an old post on Framemaker 10, but it is giving me one issue. When I do this I get quotes in the blank space where the underscore needs to be. Basically something like this "". It really seems like there should just be a way to add an underscore directly and not just underline a blank space. Does anyone know how to do this?


Old post copied from a previous question:

If you're using the Equation Editor, then use the Symbols tab and click on the Start String, then just enter the keyboard underlines until they're lon enough and click the End String button to get an underscor drawn. Then in the Positioning tab, use the controls to adjust selected text (or you can also use the windows alt+arrow keys to move them).

Also, is there a way to copy and paste from within an equation? It seems strange that I can't just copy strings and paste them into other equations instead of having to type them all over again.

Thank you for any help you can give me with this.

Framemaker 11 - subscription / serial


Hello all,


Does anyone know how/where I can get a subscription or a serial for Frame 11? I have an FM 2015 subscription already, but plenty of my clients still use FM11. I had the trial version but it's expired. The 'Buy Now' link on FM11's splash screen just leads to a 404 page, and the 'License this software' button asks me for a serial, which I don't have. Support Chat is currently closed (surprise!)

Find next marker


Dear friends,

While it is quite simple to find the next marker with oDoc.NextMarkerInDoc the sequence of the found markers is not that what the user sees in the document: you get the markers in the sequence they were inserted into the document (which may be quite random). To get the same sequence as using the Find dialogue, I need ...

But again my knowledge is to low - see lines 91 or 92:

#target framemaker 
/*  Navigate markers and get them
Document in charge is E:\_DDDprojects\FM-calc\FM-testfiles\NavigateMarkers.fm
Which contains both #calc and Author markers

It turns out that the sequence of marker.NextMarkerInDoc is that of creating the markers.
For the first and last marker the simple method is OK (since absolute postions).
For next and previous the find method must be used.
var oDoc = app.ActiveDoc, oCurrentMarker;
if (!oDoc.ObjectValid ()) {
  alert ("There is no active document.");
} else {
oCurrentMarker =  GetMarker (oDoc, "#calc", "first");                 // OK  Alert ("marker found = " + oCurrentMarker.MarkerText);
oCurrentMarker =  GetMarker (oDoc, "#calc", "next", oCurrentMarker);  // undefined  Alert ("marker found = " + oCurrentMarker.MarkerText);
function GetMarker (oDoc, sMarkerName, sAdverb, oCurrentMarker) { // =============================
// sAdverb may be first, last, previous, next
// returns undefined if sMarkerName not defined in oDoc
// argument oCurrentMarker unused for "first"  
// unfortunately there are no such methods as LastMarkerInDoc or PreviousMarkerInDoc  var marker, nextMarker, exit, currenMarker;    markerType = oDoc.GetNamedMarkerType (sMarkerName); // Get the specified marker type.       if (!markerType.ObjectValid ()) { return undefined;}   switch (sAdverb) {    case "first":       oCurrentMarker = GetFirstMarker (oDoc, sMarkerName);      break;    case "previous":       oCurrentMarker = FindNextPrevMarker (oDoc, sMarkerName, "previous", oCurrentMarker);      break;    case "next":       oCurrentMarker = FindNextPrevMarker (oDoc, sMarkerName, "next", oCurrentMarker);      break;    case "last":       oCurrentMarker = GetLastMarker (oDoc, sMarkerName);      break;    default:      Alert ("Error in routine NavigateMarker\nUndefined sAdverb = " + sAdverb);      break;  }  return oCurrentMarker;

function GetFirstMarker (oDoc, sMarkerName) { // get first marker of type sMarkerName =============
// function returns the current marker, null if it does not exist
// parameter oCurrentMarker is not used
  var marker = null, nextMarker, oCurrentMarker;  marker = oDoc.FirstMarkerInDoc;   while (marker.ObjectValid ()) {     nextMarker = marker.NextMarkerInDoc;     if (marker.MarkerTypeId.Name === sMarkerName) {      return marker;    }    marker = nextMarker;   }

function GetLastMarker (oDoc, sMarkerName) { // get last marker of type sMarkerName ===============
// function returns the last marker of type sMarkerName, null if it does not exist
// parameter oCurrentMarker is not used
  var marker, nextMarker, lastMarker;  marker = oDoc.FirstMarkerInDoc;  marker = marker.NextMarkerInDoc;   while (marker.ObjectValid ()) {     if (marker.MarkerTypeId.Name === sMarkerName) {      lastMarker = marker;    }    marker = marker.NextMarkerInDoc;   }  return lastMarker;

function FindNextPrevMarker (oDoc, sMarkerName, sAdverb, oCurrentMarker) { // get next/previous ===
// function returns the current marker, null if it does not exist
// Base: Russ Ward in https://forums.adobe.com/message/3888653#3888653
  var marker;  var tr = new TextRange();  var findParams = new PropVals();   tr.beg.obj = tr.end.obj = oCurrentMarker;       // Starting tr is the current marker  tr.beg.offset = tr.end.offset = 0;              //                                                  // Wrapping not wanted.  findParams = GetFindParamsMarker (sMarkerName, sAdverb); // Find parameters for marker  InitFA_errno ();                                // reset - it is write protected
//marker = oDoc.Find(tr.beg, findParams);         // => undefined  marker = oDoc.Find(oCurrentMarker, findParams); // => undefined     if (FA_errno !== Constants.FE_Success) {    return undefined;                             // no next/previvious marker present  }  return marker;                                  // we have found a next/prev marker

function GetFindParamsMarker (sMarkerName, direction) { //=========================================
// Get/set the find parameters: find marker of type sMarkerName, consider direction, no wrapping around
// Returns find parameters in the function

  var findParams;  if (direction = "next") {    findParams = AllocatePropVals (1);     findParams[0].propIdent.num = Constants.FS_FindMarkerOfType;     findParams[0].propVal.valType = Constants.FT_String;     findParams[0].propVal.sval = sMarkerName;   } else {                                        // previous    findParams = AllocatePropVals (2);     findParams[0].propIdent.num = Constants.FS_FindMarkerOfType;     findParams[0].propVal.valType = Constants.FT_String;     findParams[0].propVal.sval = sMarkerName;     findParams[1].propIdent.num = Constants.FS_FindCustomizationFlags;    findParams[1].propVal.valType = Constants.FT_Integer;    findParams[1].propVal.ival = Constants.FF_FIND_BACKWARDS;  }  return findParams; 
} // --- end GetFindParams

function InitFA_errno() { //========================================================================
// Reset FA_errno as it is write protected. See https://forums.adobe.com/thread/962910
  app.GetNamedMenu("!MakerMainMenu");             //If this fails, you've got bigger problems  return;

How to specify the (most likely needed) text range?

Thank You

Klaus Daube

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