Channel: Adobe Community : Unanswered Discussions - Adobe FrameMaker

Corrupt text when outputting Adobe PDF from Adobe FrameMaker 2019


I recently installed the Adobe FrameMaker 2019 upgrade. When I used the Save as PDF option to output my book, the PDF created using Adobe Acrobat Pro had three instances in which the text was corrupt. I spent quite a bit of time troubleshooting. The FrameMaker file was absolutely fine. I deleted and retyped the text, without fixing the output problem. Finally, I noticed that all three instances of corrupt PDF output included a word with an apostrophe. I rewrote the text to remove the apostrophes and the PDF output without any problem.


Has anyone else experienced this issue? Do you think it is a FrameMaker issue or an Acrobat Pro issue, or a combination of both? I had used this unstructured FM file before, prior to upgrading to FM2019, without any output issue. I'm interested to hear your comments.

Help Files - Tagging/Bookmarking Sections for Help Files


I inherited a document that was created in QuickSilver (which no one seems to have). I converted the resulting PDF to FrameMaker and then reformatted/styled everything. Now we are to the point when Help files are being requested.


Apparently, in QuickSilver, you can bookmark sections that automatically generate PDFs of, for example, just pages 2-14. The result was a suite of 200 or so Help files based on snippets of the whole.


Does Frame have a similar bookmarking/tagging options to automatically create Help files? Our other option is to just Print to PDF and specify the page range. Doable but not automated.


Thanks for the feedback!


Frame and PDF Accessibility Tagging


We've recently been asked to upgrade our PDF output to comply with a variety of accessibility standards and requirements. We're new to it all, but our limited understanding of the requirements for "logical structure" leads us to believe that we must output PDFs with tagging that indicates heading levels and the like, rather than just the paragraph tag names that we use.


I've been testing out our PDF generation process, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the PDF tags for paragraph-level styles to output correctly from an unstructured document. I'm also not clear on how to properly use the <Art>, <Sect>, etc. tags. In the example below, you can see that <p> tags are used universally for all paragraph tags, with <span> tags that hold the paragraph tag name. Even when I have an actual paragraph tag called "H1" they're tagged like this. However, they do nest properly (e.g., titles, numbered headings, and subheadings).




I know that I can do things through Acrobat's accessibility tools, but the total number of files and styles is large and doing it manually will be labor- and time-intensive. Does anyone know how this can be done in Frame? Is this something structured Frame would handle? I read a recent thread here that Frame 2019 may have new features for this, but I couldn't quite tell from the information provided. Has anyone used it for this?

How to convert cross refs to links without page numbers in Publishing pod to HTML output?


I want to convert Framemaker files to the Responsive HTML. I want the miniTOC for each chapter to convert to links without a page number reference. I want the same for other cross references-convert to hyperlink without page reference since it is HTML help and not linear.



UpdateXRefs does not update


Dear friends,

My whole script now works fine with the exception of the XRef update after inserting a new XRef. It works correctly if the target of the XRef is in the same file as the XRef (oDoc == oTgtDoc). Both files are open at the time of the update - and the active document is that with the XRef (oDoc).

→ What may be the problem here?


The blue XRefs all work correctly and point to a separate file (\endnotes). Manual updating with the GUI is OK, but why does this not work in the script?


//                                            --- Build new XRef and insert it at saved location  Fno_SelectParagraph (oDoc, oPgfNew);            // Required  oTgtTL = new TextLoc (oPgfNew, 0);  Fno_RestoreLocation (oDoc, oUserLoc);   oTL = oUserLoc.txtRange.beg;  oXRef = Fno_InsertXRef (oDoc, oTL, sXRefFmt, oTgtDoc, oTgtTL);  oDoc.UpdateXRefs(Constants.FF_XRUI_EVERYTHING); // note done in book files !!!!!!!!!!  alert ("UpdateXRefs error: " + FA_errno);
//                                            --- Jump to the empty Endnote -----------------------  Fno_FollowXRef (oDoc, oXRef);   oENloc = Fno_SaveCurrentLocation (oTgtDoc);  Fno_RestoreLocation (oTgtDoc, oENloc);  oUserLoc = oENloc.txtRange.end;  oUserLoc.offset += 1;                // go behind the marker.  oTgtDoc.TextSelection = new TextRange (oUserLoc, oUserLoc);  
} //--- end Fno_InsertEndnote

//                                            --- Build new XRef and insert it at saved location
  Fno_SelectParagraph (oDoc, oPgfNew);            // Required
  oTgtTL = new TextLoc (oPgfNew, 0);
  Fno_RestoreLocation (oDoc, oUserLoc);
  oTL = oUserLoc.txtRange.beg;
  oXRef = Fno_InsertXRef (oDoc, oTL, sXRefFmt, oTgtDoc, oTgtTL);
  oDoc.UpdateXRefs(Constants.FF_XRUI_EVERYTHING); // note done in book files !!!!!!!!!!
  alert ("UpdateXRefs error: " + FA_errno);
//                                            --- Jump to the empty Endnote -----------------------
  Fno_FollowXRef (oDoc, oXRef);
  oENloc = Fno_SaveCurrentLocation (oTgtDoc);
  Fno_RestoreLocation (oTgtDoc, oENloc);
  oUserLoc = oENloc.txtRange.end;
  oUserLoc.offset += 1;                // go behind the marker.
  oTgtDoc.TextSelection = new TextRange (oUserLoc, oUserLoc); 
} //--- end Fno_InsertEndnote

webworks wont scan fm 2019 doc


I had a FM11 doc, opened it with new Framemaker 2019, saved as 2019, opened new webworks epubpro 2019, made new FM doc source doc; scan all, sits at 0%, will not scan; any advice?

Query for creating a pdf file from book file using extendScript


Hi All,


I am facing an issue while creating the pdf from the book file. I have a book file which consists of multiple chapters some are in the same folder(where book file is present ) and some are in a different folder. I have a cross-reference for every chapter in the book file. But when I run the extends script to create a pdf then pdf created successfully but the cross-reference of those chapters which are in the different folders is broken. And Cross-reference of those chapters which are in the same folders is working normally.


Could anyone suggest me what to change in my script to take care of this cross-reference

Please find my script below.









var book = app.ActiveBook;


  var n =0;

  var i=3;



               book = app.FirstOpenBook;






                                    app.ActiveBook = book;

                                    var comp = book.FirstComponentInBook;

                                    var name=comp.Name;

                               //     alert("Importing Variables from"+ "\n"+ name);

                                    var FactsFile =OpenFile(comp.Name);





                                                                           var FormatFlags = Constants.FF_UFF_VAR;

                                                                           var doc = comp.NextComponentInBook;

                                                                           var docFile =OpenFile(doc.Name);

                                                                           doc = app.ActiveDoc;

                                                                           doc.SimpleImportFormats(FactsFile, FormatFlags);



                                                                            comp = comp.NextBookComponentInDFSOrder;







                                   app.ActiveBook = book;

                                   var comp = book.FirstComponentInBook;

                                   var rev = comp.NextComponentInBook;

                                   var revname=rev.Name;

                                //   alert("Importing PageLayout and ColorDefinition from" + "\n"+ revname);

                                    var FactsFile =OpenFile(rev.Name);


                                            for (var i = 3; i <=n-1; i++)


                                                            if(comp.ComponentType == Constants.FV_BK_FILE)




                                                                        var FormatFlags = Constants.FF_UFF_PAGE|Constants.FF_UFF_COLOR;

                                                                        var doc = rev.NextComponentInBook;

                                                                        var docFile =OpenFile(doc.Name);

                                                                        doc = app.ActiveDoc;

                                                                        doc.SimpleImportFormats(FactsFile, FormatFlags);


                                                                        rev = rev.NextBookComponentInDFSOrder;






                                               app.ActiveBook = book;

                                               var comp = book.FirstComponentInBook;



                                                            if(comp.ComponentType == Constants.FV_BK_FILE)


                                                                        var doc=OpenFile(comp.Name);



                                                                                    var name, saveParams, i;

                                                                                    doc = app.ActiveDoc;

                                                                                    name = doc.Name;

                                                                                    saveParams = GetSaveDefaultParams();

                                                                                    returnParams = new PropVals();

                                                                                    i = GetPropIndex(saveParams, Constants.FS_FileType);

                                                                                    saveParams[i].propVal.ival =Constants.FV_SaveFmtBinary90;

                                                                                    doc.Save(name, saveParams, returnParams);




                                                            comp = comp.NextBookComponentInDFSOrder;




                                     alert("No book is open or active. Cannot run the script.");

                                     var props = GetUpdateBookDefaultParams();

                                     var index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_ShowBookErrorLog);

                                     props[index].propVal.ival = true;

                                     var index = GetPropIndex(props,Constants.FS_UpdateBookTextReferences);

                                     props[index].propVal.ival = true;

                                     var index = GetPropIndex(props,Constants.FS_UpdateBookXRefs);

                                     props[index].propVal.ival = true;

                                     var returnp = new PropVals();

                                     book.UpdateBook(props, returnp);

                                     saveAsPdf (book);



                                    function saveAsPdf(book)


                                  //              alert("Preparing to save the book as pdf!");

                                                var saveParams, name, i, baseName, status, fullName;

                                                name = book.Name;

                                                baseName = name.substr(0,name.lastIndexOf("."));

                                                fullName = baseName + ".pdf";

                                                saveParams = GetSaveDefaultParams();

                                                returnParams = new PropVals(); 

                                                i = GetPropIndex(saveParams, Constants.FS_FileType);

                                                saveParams[i].propVal.ival =Constants.FV_SaveFmtPdf;

                                                book.Save(fullName, saveParams, returnParams);

                                                i = GetPropIndex(returnParams, Constants.FS_SaveNativeError);

                                                status = returnParams[i].propVal.ival;

                                                if (status === Constants.FE_Success)


                                                            return (true);




                                                            return (false);








                                 /*   comp = book.FirstComponentInBook;



                                              if(comp.ComponentType == Constants.FV_BK_FILE)


                                                               var doc=OpenFile(comp.Name);



                                                                                   var name = doc.Name;





                                              comp = comp.NextBookComponentInDFSOrder;




                                    function OpenFile(path)


                                              var index;

                                              props = GetOpenDefaultParams();

                                    index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_AlertUserAboutFailure);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = false;

                                    index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_FileIsInUse);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_ResetLockAndContinue;



                                    index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_BookIsInUse);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_ResetLockAndContinue;



                                    index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_LockCantBeReset);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoOK;

                                        index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_DisallowMIF);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = false;


                                    index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_DisallowXml);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = false;

                                         index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_FileIsOldVersion);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoOK;

                                          index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_FontChangedMetric);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoOK;

                                        index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_FontNotFoundInCatalog);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoOK;

                                           index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_FontNotFoundInDoc);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoOK;

                                     index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_LanguageNotAvailable);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoOK;

                                          index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_OpenAsType);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_AUTORECOGNIZE;

                                        index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_UpdateTextReferences);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoNo;


                                    index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_UpdateXRefs);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoNo;

                                        index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_UseRecoverFile);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoNo;


                                    index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_UseAutoSaveFile);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoNo;

                                        index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_OpenFileNotWritable);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoOK;

                                    index = GetPropIndex(props, Constants.FS_RefFileNotFound);

                                    if(index > -1)

                                        props[index].propVal.ival = Constants.FV_DoOK;



                                    returnp = new PropVals();

                                    var file = Open(path, props, returnp);

                                    return file;


program language


Hello, is it possible to change the program language after installation?If so, how does it work?

Framemaker 2019 HTML5 publishing downscales my images


Hello Community,


When publishing a document in HTML 5, the output shows downscaled versions of the images within frame maker. The images are PDFs imported into anchored frames and look great when publishing to PDF.


What can I do to increase the image quality when publishing to HTML5?


Thank you.

Adobe FrameMaker problem loading on MS Windows Enterprise 10.0.17763


Obtain following error when attempt to install FrameMaker:

Exit Code: 6 Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting. For example,  ERROR: 



-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------


- 0 fatal error(s), 1 error(s) 




----------- Payload: MSXML 4.0 SP2 {82A867E9-52D6-4f0d-B5F1-D96965B1D3B3} -----------


ERROR: Third party payload installer msxml4-KB973688-enu.exe failed with exit code: 1603

conkeyref in Framemaker DITA ?




I am currently evaluating if Framemaker can be used as an alternative editor in a predominantly OxygenXML based authoring environment with standard DITA.


Now I have found that it already fails when using keys in the following way (I have prepared files, but found no way to add them to this post):



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE bookmap PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA 1.3 BookMap//EN" "bookmap/dtd/bookmap.dtd" [




        <mainbooktitle>BOOKTITLE MAINBOOKTITLE</mainbooktitle>


    <chapter navtitle="test">

        <topicref href="testtopic.dita"></topicref>



        <keydef keys="name" href="testkey.dita" />




testkey file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">

<topic id="testkey">



        <p id="testid">paragraph inserted via conkeyref.</p>




and the testtopic file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE topic PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DITA Topic//EN" "topic.dtd">

<topic id="testtopic">



        <p conkeyref="name/testid"/>




When opening the bookmap in Framemaker, it does not recognize the key.


Now this is a problem, because we have thousands of documents built on this principle and we are going to continue using this principle.


Is there a way to get Framemaker to comply with this requirement ?


Thanks in advance.


Cross-referencing question


We are writing a manual where we need to be able to cross-reference items in our Illustrated Parts Catalog (IPC). In the IPC sometimes the figure number and the item are the same but the part number is different. Please see the example. 2 is the Figure Number, 1080 is the item number.


We need to be able to reference the Figure Number and Item Number within text of other chapters. The problem is, when we go to use the Cross-Reference pod it will show us multiple Figure Numbers and Item Numbers that are the same (because they are). Is there a way we can make a distinction? Say I just want to cross reference Part Number 65258-07065-101 which has the same Figure and Item as the rest? In the text the cross-reference needs to read (Figure 2, Item 1080).


Thank you!



Changing vertical position of custom bullet point


Hello all,


I am pretty new to FrameMaker and I am playing around with making custom bullets with FontAwesome. The only issue I am having is that the bullet isn't positioned exactly how I want it to be.


How can I change the vertical position of the bullet to be centered with the first line in the paragraph?


Thanks in advance!


Photo as example:


Automating PDF file info from single-sourced FM files?


We generate several PDFs from each FM document. Webmasters have asked us to start adding the PDF filename into the File Information field.

We custom-name each PDF as we create it. We have too much volume to manually add the filename to the PDF at each printing.

I can't find a way to configure the FM document so it generates specific file information for each condition-setting version.

What automation tool(s) are likely to help?

How to stop row borders from overlapping table borders


I have a feeling the answer to this is "you can't", but I'll ask anyway because some of my users don't like this. Neither do I, actually, and I can't figure out why it would happen like this.


We have tables with a black border around the outside and a thin grey border separating the rows and columns. The grey row border line intersects and overlays the black table border, so it looks like a series of dashed lines (if you zoom in enough). Oddly, the column borders do not do the same thing: the table border at the top and bottom are uninterrupted. See graphics.




So why is this, and is there any way to fix it?

Master Page Usage


Occasionally in our manuals we need tabloid 11x17 pages in the middle of a chapter. There can be up to 30 in a row.


I have my normal pages with their 8.5x11 master pages. I go to create a new master page and make it 11x17 and it makes all of my master pages 11x17. I do not want this. Anyone experience this same problem or have a different approach?





Method to include sortable table in pdf output from Frame?


It's late, and I am not sure what the proper way to phrase this is :-)


I need to create a document that includes a table containing device types, their support for features 'A' and 'B', and the regions in which they can be used.


I can create a simple table to hold that info, but ... is there a way that a table can be created (or imported, e.g. as an excel spreadsheet or some other file type) that can be dynamically sorted in the pdf output? For example, some users will want to sort on device type (to compare devices from the same product family), others on region (to see which devices can be used in different countries), or function support (A, B, both, or none).


Thanks either way :-)

Page Numbering Question




Quick page numbering question - the below example is a List of Effective Pages (LEP) I created. I need the page numbers (1,2) to read A1, A2 on the first Subject, B1, B2 on the second, C1, C2 on the third, and so on. How can I do this? All of my building block variables each chapter's numbering properties are spoken for. I can't use <$volnum> or <$chapnum>...What can be done?



FM12 unstructured: long text insets are not visible in the source file?


I have a long text inset, spreading over several pages. I can use this inset normally, but inside the source file (in a separate file storing the inset text), the text frame seems to be visible only within a single page. How can I make the frame/text visible and easily editable over multiple pages?

TOC, LOF, LOT question


Hello! I have a huge book file we needed to add some chapters to at the last minute. As such, I had to create new paragraph tags/elements for the new chapters and now I need them to appear in my TOC, LOF, LOT, and LEP. The problem is when I update my book it doesn't ask me if I want to add any other elements anymore - is there a way to add elements so they appear in your auto-generated files? I'm specifically having problems with my LEP. It just updates it. I need to add more paragraph tags!

Master Page TOC Error


Every time I update my TOC, I get the "No master pages applied because no master pages exist"error.  Does anyone know what causes that?


Any help is greatly appreciated.

hold that thought – replies and new threads will be ephemeral for two weeks


Heading for a different forum, for once, I just stumbled upon this announcement:


Between August 22nd through the launch date of September 9th, we will be transitioning our Creative Cloud, Document Cloud, eLearning Suite, and Technical Communication Suite community experience. During this time, we wanted you to be aware that all new threads posted and replies to existing posts in these forums will, unfortunately, be lost.



I've read it a few times and pondered, and hope it means what it says: only replies and new threads will be lost. Losing the entirety of the forum content would come a pretty close second to burning the Library of Alexandria :-} Might save local copies of everything I've bookmarked, though …


[btw, I don't think I've ever seen that strange melding of UK between and US through before.]

anchored frame and space above (below)


A picture is worth a thousand words …


The first paragraph When a key uses my standard :p style. The anchored frame for the graphic is set to Run into Paragraph, and the paragraph itself is defined as a run-in head. The steps and comments use :ol_indent and :lp_indent styles to allow for the width of the graphic.

If I apply the standard :p style to the final paragraph Press [STOP], it starts neatly under the last numbered step and doesn't clear the anchored frame. Tweakable, of course, with a local override on space before … but automated (and therefore consistent) would be better.

Any ideas?

Framemaker 12 installer failed to initialize


Hello all,


I'm trying to install FM 12 from my team's network drive which hosts the Set-up.exe file and all associated files and folders.


Whenever I launch the .exe file I get the error dialog below. Can anyone help? I don't have any previous Adobe files on my local drive and I tried several troubleshooting methods online such as removing the OOBE folder and using Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner to wipe out all the Adobe files on my local drive.


FM 12 Error.png

Thanks in advance!

How do I re-install Framemaker 11 on my new computer?


The license number listed on my account gives me an Invalid message.

The online chat person told me to go look in Forums.

Any ideas what to do next?

Get missing fonts and graphics from framemaker using script.



  How to find unavailable fonts name and missing graphics from framemaker using script? Please suggests if any ideas.

Responsive HTML "searchresults" Missing in Output Folder


I'm publishing Responsive HTML using Framemaker 2019. In my previous version (Framemaker 15), my output would include a searchresults file with an Internet Explorer icon.


In Framemaker 2019 I can't seem to get the searchresults file (or table_of_contents for that matter), even after adjusting some settings. My IT specialist needs that file to help with an integration project. Thoughts on how to get this file to output? I've searched the forum, referred to the online help, and searched the internet and have come up empty handed.

upgrade to acrobat dc


I have FM 2019 all patched up and Acrobat IX Pro. They work well together.


If I were to upgrade to Acrobat DC, why would I and how would I? For example, would I benefit from cloud-based PDF review, and would I first uninstall Acrobat XI Pro and then install Acrobat DC and it would integrate with FrameMaker without any intervention from me?





How to read framemaker console output using script.



How to read framemaker console result using script? I want to extract unavailble fonts name from the framemaker document.But i didn't get.So i need to extract the unavailable fonts name from the framemaker console output.Please suggests if any ideas.

Mini TOC multiple files


I am trying to find a way to generate something similar to a mini TOC but that builds across multiple files in a book.


For a variety of reasons, I have each "topic" saved as a separate file.  Mainly because it's easy to re-organize and i have several different books that all use the same topics. 


So my book structure looks like this:


Book TOC

Chapter 1 Header file

Topic 1.1 file

Topic 1.2 file

Topic 1.3 file

Chapter 2 Header file

Topic 2.1 file

Topic 2.2 file



I've got my main TOC done the way I want.  What i would like to do is have each Chapter Header file have something like a mini TOC that lists the topics in that chapter along with their corresponding page #s.  But I can't figure out a way to do this unless all topics are in the same file.


I've been away from FM for several years so sorry if this is a basic question.  I am using the 2019 version.

Text insets not updating in translated versions


We use full document text insets of other documents in order to repeat full document content in multiple sections of a FrameMaker book.


When the translations of these documents came back, I made some tweaks to content in the source files but the translated text inset files did not automatically update. Update Imported Flow is set to automatically. Re-importing the entire document fixes the issue, but I don't want to have to do that for 43 documents in my translated book and every time I have a translated book in the future.


I am running FrameMaker version

FrameMaker 2019 Responsive HTML5 TOC -- Topic selection focus pops to previous topic


I output Help in Responsive HTML5 format via FrameMaker's Publisher. I just upgraded to FM 2019. When I click a topic in the table of contents (TOC) in the Help generated from FM 2019, the selection focus pops to the previous topic in the Help. Please see the screen capture I've inserted below, which has a call-out explaining this issue. I didn't have this issue with the Help generated from FM 2017.


I have looked in all the Publisher settings, and have searched for this issue in the forum, to no avail. Anyone else experiencing this issue? Anyone know how to fix it?


Thanks much for any pointers on how I might be able to fix this!


Problem with Help topic selection focus in TOC.jpg

How to extract hidden text from textframe in framemaker using script?



How to extract  hidden text from textframe in framemaker using script?Please suggests if any ideas.

Fm2019 HTML5 not showing source content


I have been trying begin to generate HTML5 from my existing FM books.

However, this has been hampered by the fact that the generated HTML5 does not seem to show any edited changes made to the source documents.

I can generate HTML5 but subsequent generations of HTML5 do not reflect any changes made in source files.

It is as if FM gets stuck using an old copy of the source file.


I have deleted .backup files and used a new, empty output folder to no avail.

The only thing that seem to work is to Close down the FM book, Close FM, Re-open FM, Re-open the book, do a Book Update, specify a new output folder, generate HTML5. This then seems to make the generated HTML5 reflect the source content. But if I make a source content change, then I have to repeat all this.


My source files are .fm files of a FM 2019 book.

I am running Fm2019 with Update 4 in Win 7 64.


Is there a fix for this?

Ugly fonts in embedded fonts




We have PDF that contains texts as curves. This PDF was imported to FrameMaker document and the texts looks bad in view mode.

See picture:



When viewing this PDF in Acrobat Readers it looks good.

Is there any way to make that fonts look better in FM?

Import image via filepath+image title in EDD


Hi all,


I am in the process of creating an EDD from scratch (without any template, DTD or r/w rules). Within my EDD, I have created a simple Element tagged "figure" with Graphic type. In the source code, once figure is called from the Elements panel, it opens the file brwoser window in rder to import an image. I would like to know if there is some attribute that I can use in my EDD (or to edit the figure element) in order to enable entering the filepath and title of the image rather than being obliged to select it interactively. Next, I would like to assign a link to the image titles in order to control what the real title of the image is. In our company, we have different but similar products for which I am creating user manuals. For instance, the cover page of each manual requires the image of the specific product where the rest is identical to other products. I would like to link the title of the image say to the title of the user manual rather than creating a different cover page for each manual.




How to generate best PDF for Kindle Desktop Publishing (KDP)?


Dear All,

I have successfully generated a paperback book using FrameMaker. I saved the book as a PDF and both the cover art and the internal material (i.e., the book text) loaded fine. I then added thirty pages to this, some of which was rather intensive, graphically, which contained anchored frames of Adobe Illustrator. It seems that this slightly larger PDF can no longer be read with KDP. The response I received from Amazon KDP is below.  My question is whether I should be able to simply select "Press Quality" from the Adobe PDF menu and would that not generate the flattened version they seem to want. I have tried this, but KDP is a somewhat flaky thing and I'm not sure if I should just keep trying repeatedly. Thanks for any insights! Phil


Our technical team has thoroughly analyzed both the cover and interior files and have provided their findings as below:


a) Interior file:


Within the interior file you are using a color space called CalRGB. This color profile works well for color adjustments in Photoshop, but the file must be converted back to RGB or CMYK, to allow saving as an image, which is used for the thumbnail and review, or for the file to physically printed.


Hence you should convert all color spaces used inside the file to CMYK color and create a new PDF by choosing the option 'Print to PDF' as opposed to regular saving or exporting to PDF.

input different items in footer


How do you input different items into the footer




to look like this:



Command Line script fails when converting to .pdf


I'm trying to document long Command Line strings for users to copy and paste out of a .PDF. Strings which appear correctly in FrameMaker have extra line breaks when converted to .PDF or are missing characters.

When pasted out of FrameMaker:

sudo dacker-compose run --rm ci.ansible.whis setup-onprem-deployment-gateway.yml --ask-vault-pass -k -K


When pasted out of .PDF:

sudo dacker-compose run --rm ci.ansible.whis setup-onpremdeployment-

gateway.yml --ask-vault-pass -k -K


I've tried converting to hyperlinks to preserve link integrity and converted to a table. Nothing seems to work.

couldn't find tag: xref


we are trying to publish to an IETM - using scripts - done this hundreds of time in the past, only now this warning comes up. The employee using FrameMaker for this - has the warning, no one else gets this warning. Is their a way to troubleshoot this without having to re-install the software?

Symbol button grayed out


The symbol button is grayed out. I installed the most recent update (FrameMaker 2019 but that didn't make a difference. I can only insert symbols through the drop-down Insert menu. Are there any other fixes available?

To select all overflow text frames in framemaker using script.



How to select all overflow textframes in framemaker using script and get the page number for all overflow texframe in framemaker ?Please suggests if any ideas.

What settings will automatically wrap index entries in FrameMaker 2017?


What settings will automatically wrap index entries in FrameMaker 2017? Currently long index entries do not show leader dots or push the page number beyond the right margin.

Problem with math fonts in version 15.0.4


Hi, I just installed the version 15.0.4 and I also have problems with math fonts, I can't insert and equation with a custom math font, I'm trying to use the Euclid fonts.


The "Apply paragraph style" option is already disabled, Any pointers would be appreciated.



Alignment with decimals


If I have a table with a column of numbers that I need to align on the decimal, it aligns like this:


The numbers without the decimal are shifted to the right a little.


If we want it to look correctly aligned, we have to add a period after the whole number and color it white:


Does anyone know of a better way to do this?


(We are using FM 2019 version


Thank you,


First run of XSLTRunTrScenario is slow


Hi, I am using XSLTRunTrScenario with ExtendScript's CallClient to transform some XML data before using it in a script. The first run of the script is very slow; I am not sure if it is loading the processor, or doing some kind of caching, because subsequent runs are very fast. Any suggestions on maybe doing something on startup to avoid the slow first run?


This is an example of the function I am using in my script, where transform is a JavaScript object that contains the required parameters.


function runTransformation (transform) {        var cmd, result;        // Delete the output file in case it exists.    File (transform.out).remove ();    // Create the command string.    cmd = 'XSLTRunTrScenario -dontusefmconsole ' +         '-file \"' + transform.xml + '\" ' +        '-xslfilepath \"' + transform.xsl + '\" ' +        '-processor \"' + transform.pro + '\" ' +        '-outputfilepath \"' + transform.out + '\"';    // Invoke the transform.    result = CallClient ("FmXSLT", cmd);

Creating glossary for PDF and HTML5 outputs


Hello everybody,

I do a lot of projects both with FrameMaker and RoboHelp and experienced an issue related to the glossary.
Just to ensure we talk the same language following example (same as in FM help) and expressions that I use:

  • PDF = GlossaryExpression
  • Portable Document Format = GlossaryText


In FrameMaker 2 markes are available per default (brackets just to show that these are markers):

  • [Glossary]
  • [GlossaryTerm]


Creating a glossary for PDF and HTML5 output follows two completely different procedures.


For PDF:

  1. Add the GlossaryExpression followed by ":" and the GlossaryText, e.g. "PDF:Portable Document Format" to the [Glossary] marker or to any new created marker.
  2. Assign this marker to the wanted position in the text (e..g. end of the paragraph, where the GlossaryExpression is located.
  3. Add a new marker index to the book selecting the [Glossary] marker or the new marker you created.

--> You get a Glossary as an separate file within the book, automatically sorted by the first letter of the GlossaryExpression and formatted as stated in the Reference page and the assigned paragraph formats.


For online (here HTML5):

  1. Write down the GlossaryText "Portable Document Format" anywhere in the document in an own paragraph.
  2. Assign the [Glossary] marker to that paragraph and write the GlossaryExpression into the marker field.
  3. Assign the [GlossaryTerm] marker to the expression in the text (PDF) and write the GlossaryExpression "PDF" into the marker field (you don't need to do that, but it helps identifying the terms).
  4. Generate the help.


Now following issues can be experienced:

  1. Why the h*** does FrameMaker not use the same procedure for creating a PDF and online glossary?
  2. The HTML5 glossary needs the markes [Glossary] and [GlossaryTerm]. While the [GlossaryTerm] marker name can be changed and then the new name can be edited in the generating dialog, the [Glossary] maker name can't be changed (well, I do not know where?). Thus, you must create a new marker for the PDF glossary, because you can not use it for both glossaries! But ok, thats's not a problem, just use any new name you want. You just must know this!
  3. For the HTML5 glossary you must add the GlossaryText (here "Portable Document Format") anywhere in the document in an own paragraph. This is absolute nonsense!!! because:
    • What about, lets say 100 glossar entries? I have to write them manually in the document? Really?
    • These 100 entries are part of the document.
      • They also show up in the PDF output. There I can hide them by using conditional text (but strangely not by disabling the used paragraph format in the output settings?).
      • And they - and thats the point - also show up in the HTML5 output. And there I can not hide them, because then there is no glossary at all. But why should I show this unsorted, manually inserted glossary when I create a "real" glossary in the online-help glossary menu?
    • What if I use a book with lets say 10 chapters. The GlossaryText entries must be part of the document you want to add the Glossary. Thus, each chapter has its own, separate, not automatically collection of glossary entries? Really?


Am I completely wrong? Did I fundamentally misunderstood something?
Or is this concept of creating a glossary for online outputs like HTML5 - lets say "a bit strange".

I fear this concept is neccessary to transform the glossary to the way RoboHelp handles the glossary.

Then FrameMaker is no solution for that.


By the way: Read my discussion about creating dropdowns in FrameMaker for HTML5 output.

Unfortunatedly this a similar story.


Thanks for your help


Creating dropdowns in FrameMaker


Hello everybody,


I create a lot of projects both in RoboHelp and in FrameMaker. Thus, I know both well.

Since FrameMaker also allows for generating online help formats like HTML5, I am maybe not the only one to switch from RoboHelp to FrameMaker.

It is so powerful, stable and when it comes to PDF and Print far better than RH. Sure, it is a page oriented tool.


But there are some features that really drive me crazy and I can't believe it was meant that way.

At the end these "features" may not allow to use FrameMaker for generating online help.

One of these is Drowpdown Text.


It is so easy in RoboHelp:

  1. Just add a dropdown to any paragraph you want.
  2. Insert any content to the dropdown container.
  3. Save and publish your help.


In FrameMaker it is completely different:

You have two paragraph formats:

  • "DropdownCaption" for the heading
  • "DropdownBody" for the content


Why are these paragraph formats???

  • This means, you always have to use the same format for your dropdown captions?
  • And second: You can only add one type of paragraph format to the dropdown body? Really???
    What is about lists, tables,...?


Was it meant this way? Then, it does not make sense!

To nevertheless make it usable, I figured out following workaround:

  1. Accept to only use one paragraph format for the dropdown captions.
  2. Then insert a empty paragraph and assign the DropdownBody paragraph format to it.
    If you set the para height very small, it won't add too much space.
  3. Anchor a table (with 1 column, rows as needed) to that paragraph and set this table to invisible.
  4. Put anything you want into that table.
  5. When creating e.g. HTML5 create a table format in the css ((border-width = 0) and map it.
  6. You may even add further empty DropdownBody paragraphs and tables after the first table.
    It will also work and dropdown, as longs as another paragraph format appears.


I really wonder, why the Dropdown elements where realized by the use of paragraph formats?

Maybe some of you knows the former Webworks Publisher or now the ePublisher.

It is a powerful tool for converting FrameMaker files to many other output formats.

There, marker are used for that task.


It could be that easy:

  • 1 marker "DropdownCaption" for the heading
  • 2 markers "DropdownBodyStart" and "DropdownBodyEnd" to mark the dropdown body.

And we are done.

You could add these markers to any paragraphs and add any content to the dropdown body.


Am I completely wrong or did I misunderstood the concept of the dropdown feature in FrameMaker?

I really like FrameMaker and would prefer using it for creating the source files.

But there are a view issues that really make it hard using it.


By the way: Also read my discussion about creating a Glossary.


Kind regards


Export tracked changes to pdf




I use the Track Changes tool in FM when I edit a document. I then publish the document as a pdf so our SMEs can review it. Is there any way of exporting the tracked changes into the pdf so that the SME can step through the tracked changes, rather than having to scroll and spot the changed text manually?



Need to replace Arial, Times Roman with Calibri in the entire book (FM 10). Please let me know the script for this. I am very new to this.


Need to replace Arial, Times Roman with Calibri in the entire book (FM 10). Please let me know the script for this. I am very new to this.

Please help

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